
Again, in Joel 2:28 we are told that dreams, like visions and the other gifts of the Spirit, will be “poured out” among Gods people, more so in the “last days” than ever before.

While we all know what dreams are, not everyone understands the bottom-line in regards to why we have them. There are 3 general types of dreams: Spiritual, Demonic, and Natural. Obviously though, the type which is referred to as Spiritual Dreams are the only ones associated with the Gifts of The Spirit, being from God… and as such, these are the ones we are actually, by scripture, instructed to desire to have.

Spiritual Dreams are direct messages from God. This is one of the most prevalent forms of communication that He uses to relate information to His people. The purpose of these are for receiving instruction, warning, understanding, and/or a divine Word of knowledge or wisdom for self or to be given as prophesy. These dreams are quite different than the other types because they always relate one of the above types of super-natural revelations, and will be out of the range of ‘normality’. In fact, there is literally no mistaking it, when you have one of these dreams, you ‘will’ know it, and often times, such dreams will or may need to be ‘interpreted’ in order for us to fully understand their meaning. Most people believe that the reason these dreams are of the most common forms of ‘visitation’ is that, since they occur while we are sleeping, our natural minds don’t “get in the way”. In essence, our subconscious is more open to suggestion, meaning we pay better attention in dreams than we what we do while we are awake. That’s because, during sleep, our brains are not as overloaded with other thought, and we have less control over our reaction. Simply put, we are better ‘listeners’ in our dreams.

Demonic Dreams are forms of torment that are meant to install fear, misconception, as well as other thoughts and forms of evil intention for the purposes of condemning, misguiding, and tricking people into falling into or willfully committing sin, or as an attempt to make the dreamer feel that God doesnt care about them at all. Dont be deceived! Satan is no idiot! He knows how our human brains work and, in his desire to control us, he will use every advantage that he can to gain that control. Im sure you’ve heard the saying ” the mind is the devil’s playground,” – right? Well, there is a lot of truth in that statement. One way to know if youve experienced having a demonic dream, verses a typical ‘bad dream’, is that you will be in such a deep sleep that you may not be able to wake yourself up during the dream. However, the good news is that, by training yourself and knowing how to stand on Gods’ Word, you will be able to say – in the dream – “in the name of Jesus, Go away!”

Natural Dreams basically happen when we are (of course) sleeping, and our brains are in whats commonly referred to as a state of “false reality”. In essence, the brain is often in such a state that it cant tell if what is happening is “real” or not. Any range of normal to bizarre things may subconsciously occur. There are many speculations as to why we dream. These theories include, but are not limited to, conscious or subconscious desires, external stimulation, and more scientifically – random neurons in the brain firing off. Typically, a person having a normal dream also will not be in an overly-deep sleep, and you usually have the ability to wake yourself up.

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