Tag Archive | unconditional

The Big Test

Life isnt fair! We were never promised a fair life either. In fact, if such was the case, there wouldnt be any inner-growth. Most people, by one means or another, have learned how to cope with daily struggles…which we’ll call daily pop quizzes. The bigger, weekly test however, comes when we get grand-slammed into the middle of next month by unavoidable catastrophes. No one likes going down those bends in the road, but the journey must continue. How we act, and react, during these times is what determines our character – our personal growth – the end result – being the big, final test… Life!

Theres no way to cheat on this test – life. We will always have choices though. Sometimes the options are painful, sometimes obvious, and sometimes they require us to dig down to the depths of our souls while getting prepared to do battle. The end results of our characters, determined by such victory and defeat, simply is what makes us who we are, while preparing us for the next round. And the only way to complete this test is to finish this life, being released through death.

Sometimes we win the battles and claim amazing victories. During these times, we feel quite invincible; acquiring our own “SuperMan Status”, if you will. But, at one time or another, no matter how hard we try, we fail. These failed tests are required to be repeated, too, until we finally do “get it right”. That can cause us to feel lonely, vulnerable, worn down, and often broken in emotion and spirit.

There’s not a person alive, whether they are willing to admit it or not, who isn’t constantly seeking some form of validation, acceptance – love. Regardless of age – new born, toddler, teen, adult, and elderly alike – we all want it, seek it out, and are desperate to have it. That is simply how we were created and in essence, we slowly starve to death without it. Regardless of situation or circumstance, we all have a deep seated desire to be wanted -accepted- and loved.

Ahhh! To be loved! To be so validated and accepted to the point of being loved. Its what we all thrive on. All the money in the world cant buy it. There is no better feeling in this life than to know that no matter how bad our choices have been in the past and no matter how chained up we have became, there is someone who is willing to look past all of it. There is someone who actually, honestly, literally, cares! Someone who not only accepts us, but truly wants to be with us and wants us to be with them. There is such rest and peace to be found in that. To have such forgiveness, such compassion… it free’s us!

This whole entire human existence is based on this. Its the one thing we all have in common; touching each others lives in such grand, unforgettable ways. Its what we were born to do, and to have. We hunger for it. It is the purpose of our existence. To love, and to be loved, simply because we exist. No matter what life throws at us, no matter how easy or how hard the journey is, every joy and every trial comes down to love. Every action, every reaction, each step we take, and each word we speak – the lesson we are intended to learn is how to accept being loved and how to freely give love away.

The ultimate goal -the big prize to win – is pure, unconditional love. Many diligently work towards claiming this prize. Yet, in all of history, I know of only one man who righteously could and did claim this crown! His name, as he walked this human life, was Jesus of Nazareth. His name now is Jesus Christ, Lord all-mighty, Son of God.

We can all have (receive) never-ending, unconditional love by validating Jesus, accepting Him for Who He is. But, the only true hope any of us has to giving ‘unconditional love’ is to trade every single thing we are, and every tiny thing we have. In order to gain a spirit so magnificent as His, we first must love Him as He loves us. Only by total self-sacrificing submission and surrender to Him, then can we fully, purely, love others as He loves us. And, until we can experience being loved in that manner, we will not be able to give that kind of love to anyone else.

….and this, my friends, is thee greatest law -commandment- that there is, has ever been, and ever will be:
Matthew 22:37-39 … “Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like to it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. “

Be Blessed

Wanna? ….be blessed, that is.

I do! Personally, I dont know of a single person who would say they dont want to be blessed. So, maybe the question should be HOW do we be(come) blessed. This is as simple as dangling your toes in the pool, to check the water. Genesis 12:3 plainly gives us Gods’ instruction. “I will bless those who bless you…” Wow! If others are blessed by blessing me, then that stands to reason to also mean that if I bless others, I will be blessed. Awesome! All we have to do is bless others? Really! That pretty much covers it. Right? …Hhmmm, well, not exactly. While, yes, that will give a certain degree of blessing to you, and thats definitely an important building block, but theres more to it – if you want more; attitude is the key!

Ready? Lets pull our toes out of the pool and stick a foot in there. Next, we need to strive to be Christ-like (Christian). John 14:15 tells us that “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” To be like Christ, first we must love Christ. Then, we are told to keep His commandments. You remember those, right?…” Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. For there is no other greater commandment than these.” (Matt 22:28-31). Still want more? Yes?… Ok, you asked for it!

So, the next step is to be more like Christ: love Him, everyone else, yourself, and bless others. That doesnt sound sooo hard! Does it? Actually, theres still more to go. So, lets jump in with both feet. To “get the basics”, lets head straight over to Matthew 5:3-12. Yep! “The Beatitudes”
~ aka, the Blessing Attitudes:
Blessed are…
1. The poor in spirit (be humble)
2. The mourner (repent)
3. The meek (not egotistical / proud)
4. Those hungry/thirsty for righteousness (seek goodness)
5. The merciful (be compassionate)
6. The pure of heart (truly seek God)
7. The peacemaker (love AND forgive unconditionally)
8. The persecuted (for self) for righteousness (accept harsh criticism of your Faith)
9. The persecuted (for Him) for righteousness (accept being reviled because OF Him)
10. The exceedingly glad & rejoicing (praise Him in the storms/at all times)

Still want more? Ok! Grab ahold of your faith and hold on tight. We’re going to throw caution to the wind and dive in, head first! Malachai 3:10 tells us “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Oh my goodness! Seriously! …so much blessing theres not room to store it… Count me in!

Well, there you have it; understandable instructions, written in black and white. Now… All you have to do is decide one thing. I’ll ask again – Do you want to be blessed?